Turning over to a Higher Power

Turning Over to a Higher Power 12/1/2023 The concept of turning control over to a higher power is a fundamental aspect of the Twelve Steps. The idea is rooted in spiritual and personal development, helping us overcome addiction by recognizing our limitations and seeking support from a higher power. Here’s a brief overview of how…

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AVR Formula

AVR Formula© 11/24/2023 Betrayed partners consistently want the addict to understand the depths and devastation of their pain. Part of the partner’s healing process is for addict to remind the partner that he sees the pain and can link it back to the reason for the pain. Betrayed partners consistently want the addict to understand…

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Justified Resentment

Justified Resentment November 17,2023 Anger is considered reasonable and fair when others have crossed our boundaries, or we have been harmed.  The emotion of anger is warranted or well-founded based on a legitimate grievance. Problems occur when we do not pay attention to our feelings, we stuff or deny them, and harms go unaddressed. For…

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Emotional Sobriety

Emotional Sobriety November 10, 2023 Emotional sobriety is a concept often associated with recovery from addiction, particularly in the context of 12-step programs. It refers to a state of emotional well-being, resilience, and maturity that we in recovery aim to achieve. Emotional sobriety involves managing our emotions in a healthy and balanced way, free from…

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Gratitude November 3, 2023 Gratitude is an important concept within the Twelve Steps. Gratitude is particularly emphasized in the later steps of the program. Here’s how gratitude is defined within the Twelve Steps: Step Eleven: “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge…

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Acceptance and Denial

Acceptance and Denial October 27, 2023 Acceptance and denial are concepts often associated with the Twelve Steps, which are a set of principles and guidelines used in various addiction recovery programs. These steps provide a structured approach for us seeking recovery from addiction. Let’s explore the meanings of acceptance and denial within the context of…

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Principles before Personalities

Principles before Personalities October 20, 2023 “Placing principles before personalities” is a concept that emphasizes the importance of focusing on the principles and values of the program rather than getting caught up in personal conflicts, egos, or individual personalities within the group. Here’s a breakdown of what it means: Principles: These are the fundamental beliefs…

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Personal Inventory

Personal Inventory October 13, 2023 In Step Four of the Twelve Steps, taking a personal inventory refers to a process of self-examination and reflection. This may be the first time we ever really looked at ourselves. Taking a personal inventory typically involves the following elements: Self-reflection: This step requires us to look inward and honestly assess…

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Turning over self-will

Turning over self-will September 29th, 2023 Turning over self-will to a higher power is a fundamental concept in many twelve step recovery programs. Here are some suggestions on how to do this in a twelve step way Understand the Higher Power Concept In the twelve step approach, the term “higher power” doesn’t necessarily refer to…

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