Step Two

“Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”
Came to believe – The statement means that this is a process and does not have to happen overnight. Many of us find this as we work the other steps. We just have to be open at his point.
a Power greater than ourselves – Many may call this God or another deity. Some are agnostics or atheists that do not believe in a deity. As the Sex Addicts Anonymous book says, “The path is wide enough for everyone who wishes to walk it (page 21).”
Sanity – The dictionary defines it as the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner, sound mental health. In our addiction, we were insane. We are doing things the same way over and over again, expecting a different result.
Step Two is the first time the steps talk about God. I like the way the Sex Addicts Anonymous book says it, “Over time, we establish a relationship with a Power greater than ourselves, each of us coming to an understanding of a Higher Power that is personal for us. Although the steps use the word “God” to indicate this Power, … The program offers a spiritual solution to our addiction, without requiring adherence to any specific set of beliefs or practices (page 21).” Some twelve-step organizations define God as their deity. As mentioned previously, the path is wide enough for everyone to walk it.
The other part of this step are the words “came to believe”. As stated above, this is a process and does not have to happen overnight. Many gradually find their Higher Power. Some walk in the door with a Higher Power but have not established constant contact with the Higher Power. Or they may have known a Higher Power that was overbearing and vengeful. We need help to recover, and letting go of selfish thinking is one aspect of recovery. This is not about finding religion but about finding a spiritual awakening. This will be discussed more in upcoming posts.