Principles of the Twelve Steps

Principles of the Twelve Steps

September 8, 2023

Step Twelve says, “…practice these principles in our lives.”  So, what principles of the Twelve Steps does that mean?  Recovery from addiction often involves acquiring several values and principles instrumental in maintaining sobriety, fostering personal growth, and building a healthier, more fulfilling life. While the specific principles can vary from person to person, here are some of the core values and principles commonly learned in recovery: 

Principles and Values: 

Honesty: Honesty is fundamental to recovery. It involves being truthful with ourselves and others about our thoughts, feelings, and actions, including admitting mistakes and wrongdoings.

Humility: Humility involves recognizing our limitations, accepting help from others, and letting go of pride and ego. It's an essential value for personal growth and maintaining sobriety.

Accountability: Taking responsibility for our actions and their consequences is a cornerstone of recovery. It means owning up to mistakes and making amends when necessary.

Surrender: Surrendering involves accepting that we cannot control everything and that there are things beyond our power. It's about relinquishing control over the addiction and relying on a higher power or support system for help.

Self-Awareness: Recovery often involves deep self-examination and self-awareness. This means understanding the underlying causes of addiction, recognizing triggers, and being in tune with our emotions and behaviors.

Resilience: Overcoming addiction requires the ability to bounce back from setbacks, cravings, and relapses. It involves persistence and determination in the face of challenges.

Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not only about forgiving others but also forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and regrets. It's a crucial step in healing and moving forward.

Patience: Recovery is a long-term process, and it requires patience. This value encourages us to take one day at a time and understand that progress may be gradual.

Compassion: Compassion involves being kind and understanding toward ourselves and others. It fosters empathy and a sense of connection with our fellows in recovery.

Spirituality: Twelve Step recovery programs emphasize the importance of spirituality, which can take various forms, such as faith in a higher power or a more profound sense of purpose and connection with the universe.

Gratitude: Practicing gratitude involves focusing on the positive aspects of life and acknowledging the things we are thankful for. It helps counteract negative thinking patterns.

Community and Support: Recovery often highlights the importance of a supportive community and the value of helping others. Being part of a fellowship and offering support can be both healing and empowering.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices like meditation are frequently incorporated into Twelve Step recovery programs. They help us stay present in the moment, reduce stress, and manage cravings.

Healthy Coping Strategies: We in recovery learn healthy ways to cope with stress, triggers, and emotions without resorting to substance abuse.

Personal Growth: Recovery is seen as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. It involves continually striving to become a better, more fulfilled individual.

These values and principles are not only beneficial for recovery but also for leading a more meaningful and purposeful life. They help us overcome addiction and build a foundation for lasting sobriety, better relationships, and overall well-being.

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